Without an explanation of this difference it is difficult enough to understand concept the Russian Business School «ShSD».
Business is some activity were repaid.
Favourite work - this activity reflecting unique features (ability) of the person and leaded not from " mercenary reasons " that is why, that there is an internal prompting to it (to like it to do).
With Russian Business School «ShSD» you will understand, that there is your favourite work and doing the FAVOURITE WORK, you as CONSEQUENCE will create business.
The concept «ShSD» assumes, that business is (and should be) consequence of the Favourite work.
What to do, if while it is not clear, what there is my favourite work?
I answer: "To live".
To work, create business, but to not forget, that it is necessary to find all the same the favourite work on this ground.
By the way speaking, without check in practice and not probably to understand, that yours, and that is not present.
The knowledge of, strong and weaknesses considerably raises ability of the person to achievement of the purposes.
But also the purpose should correspond to your person.
If you will choose very attractively externally looking purposes, but improper to you personally, there will be a simple thing: at you interest to this purpose will start to run low on a course and simply there will be no forces, energy for achievement of an object in view.
Correctly chosen purpose creates mood when for work you go as for a holiday, and in the evening from work with feeling of the executed duty and in good mood.
- Someone can carry and it since a birth knows, that there is its favourite work and if there is such desire its problem to construct business around of that it does. Such person takes pleasure in favourite work, it does not have chiefs, and also it has standard of living quite arranging it.
- Another can manage heavier share. For example, to have quite sufficient or even more than it is necessary, incomes, but thus every day to go to office as in prison.
- There can be still a variant of unloved and low-paid work. But of such variant and to think it would not be desirable.
In our case we recognize that search of the Business and creation of business goes in parallel.
You search for those spheres which like you more and besides try to create in them the business.
If all over again to create business, and then to learn about the favourite work can reorientate the business or be engaged in it in that is pleasant to you, and the rest to delegate to another. Or easier to create one more business, using resources of the first, and then it to liquidate.
On it I also shall finish the first release.
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