The answer such. There are two approaches.
- World outlook.
- From the point of view of special knowledge.
But does not give the answer to a question how to create these parts and how to unite. How to make uniform system of a set of the isolated special knowledge. How to choose in each concrete situation that is more important.
- Economy of money,
- rates of growth of the sizes of the company,
- share of the market,
- creation of new directions
- ...
And so. Outlook of the businessman which to it needs to be developed and then to develop, is a basis of that refers to as corporate culture. Some internal philosophy of firm.
There is an outlook (corporate culture) - the firm operates as uniform system. (as an electromagnetic wave). There Is no outlook - the firm breaks up to departments, and even separate people who start to collide with each other, to clash, argue, there are intrigues and to energy on promotion forward does not remain. All it it is useless it is extinguished inside of firm.
The outlook defines, whom to take for work and who is not present, with what partner to deal, and with what is not present. People steal up on a generality of sights at the world (views on the world) and as at them more or less similar general approaches they should not argue on private.
Imagine teamwork of two aircraft designers, one of which projects the small sports plane, and the second heavy транспортник, and they try to introduce all decisions in one project? That such pretty often occurs in business, the one who concerned acceptance of strategic decisions of the or another's firm will argue hardly.
If to start, at once since concrete questions the roughest mistakes to not avoid.
Concrete questions are in detail described in thousand and thousand book, the information on it can be found on thousand and thousand sites in the Internet. But what books to choose how to unite separate parts in system, any of private systems of knowledge cannot tell. Only the MOST GENERAL system of knowledge can answer on this question. What this for most the general system of knowledge? This personal outlook.
It, certainly, too has some root, intrinsic element. On which all rest is strung. As people strongly enough differ from each other as this root (uniting) element the concept the Business is offered. The Business should represent for each person something concrete, but also, not describing it is concrete, it is possible to specify some general for all principles.
The problem of Russian Business School «ShSD» to help everyone to construct system of concepts (outlook) in the form of a New Year tree. The trunk, the greater branches departing from a trunk, a branch is less, then needles. Needles it also is concrete questions, concrete special knowledge.
But before to start to collect needles, it is necessary to construct structure of your favourite work and your business.
If you have understood IMPORTANCE of for what I call you it is possible to start further already the description not a trunk, and the largest branches.
If, all the same, the idea that the outlook is the major in enterprise activity, for you is not quite convincing yet I shall continue you to convince of it.
Eventually, to Kopernik too not at once have believed, that the Earth rotates around of the Sun, rather the reverse.
1 comment:
Brilliant Key to business for Creation of business and transformation into favourite work.
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